When I was a child, maybe 12 or 13, Mum bought us a bag of individually wrapped mini wagon wheels. In the bag was one sealed yet empty bag which was supposed to contain a wagon wheel. I decided to send it back to the company to let them know (I’m not exactly sure why) and a few weeks later a big box arrived full of wagon wheels. It was so exciting – like Christmas!
Wagon Wheels were never something I ate very often even though I did really like them but now it has been about 15 years since I last ate one. I have been thinking for a while about trying to make some. First I tried to make the marshmallows since I figured that would be the hardest part. I was correct about that. My marshmallows just refused to become marshmallowy so I gave up. I do intend to try again but my failure was quite epic so it will take me a while to work up the courage to try again. Luckily,some people more clever than me, can make them and you can buy them in shops so I was back in business.
I have raspberry jam (jelly) in my recipe but you can use any type you like. In fact, I think that the actual jam in real wagon wheels is apple and plum.
- Vegan dark chocolate
- Raspberry Jam (Jelly) (or jam of your choice)
- 225g (1 cup) vegan margarine
- 450g plain flour
- 200g sugar
- ¼ cup milk
- Baking powder
- Vanilla
- Pre-heat over to 175°C (347°F)
- Cream sugar and margarine.
- Add flour & baking powder and mix until combined.
- Mix in almond milk.
- Roll on a floured surface.
- Cut rounds and place on a tray covered in baking paper.
- Cook for 6-8 minutes. They don’t need to brown.
- Once cooled, spread jam on half of them.
- Place half a marshmallow on the other half and put into a hot oven on a tray.
- Once the marshmallow starts to brown (it won't take long so keep and eye on them), remove from the oven and place the jam biscuit on top and squeeze slightly to connect the halves.
- Melt the chocolate in the microwave and dip each one using a fork until they are covered. place on a tray covered in baking paper.
- Place the tray in the fridge until the chocolate sets and then eat!

The first step is to make the sugar cookies. You could also go with shortbread but I went with sugar cookies. Next time I make these, I will go a little thinner with the biscuit than I did this time. Since the wagon wheel is made up of two biscuits, you don’t need each layer to be too thick.
Once the sugar cookies are cooked and cooled, using a butter knife, spread jam (jelly) on half of them. Don’t use too much or the flavour will be over-powering. Place half a marshmallow on the remaining biscuits and place in a hot oven for a few minutes. It won’t take very long so just keep an eye on them and remove once the marshmallow starts to brown.
Immediately join the two halves while the marshmallow is still warm and squeeze gently. The marshmallow will be hot when it comes out of the oven so please don’t be tempted to stick one in your mouth or poke one with your finger regardless of how fluffy and tempting they are!
Melt the chocolate in the microwave in a small but deep bowl. Using a fork, submerge the wagon wheels in the melted chocolate until they are covered then place on a tray covered in baking paper. You can see from the photo above that I just placed mine on a cooling rack but once they cooled, I found it a bit tricky to remove them so it will be baking paper next time. Put them in the fridge to cool until the chocolate sets and then it is time to eat!
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